Sunday, November 29, 2009
How can I get you to read my blog? Feel good news.
Friday, November 20, 2009
If you are an interested in logging on to this site, please contact
Here is their task:
Dear JIS Grade 5 Students:
My name is Ibu Siti Pattimura. I work as an aid agency called FOOD FOR ALL or YAYASAN MAKANAN UNTUK SEMUA (YMUS) and we are trying to feed the world. As an aid agency we are looking for a group of experienced researchers to create a compelling "story" about hunger.
The author, Daniel Pink writes, "Stories can be healing." Throughout the ages children have been told stories by adults at times when they need guidance in order to cope with a difficult life situation. Stories teach us what is right and wrong. Stories are how we learn. YMUS would like your research group to create a compelling true "story" of hunger. We will use your presentation to:
1. Convince large companies and governments to improve conditions which lead to hunger.
2. Convince the public to give generously when they donate to our cause.
We are interested in hiring the research team that best expresses the facts of hunger in a compelling and empathetic way that speaks to all who view your presentation. YMUS knows that there is enough food to feed the world population, but still many men, women and children are hungry everyday.
You have 4 weeks to create a project to present to the Board of Directors of the Yayasan Makanan Untuk Semua. Your teachers will divide you into groups for collaboration. See the pamphlet from the library about the "Six Easy Steps for Research Projects" to help you with this process.
This presentation must include the following information:
Background: This is where the team has to provide general information on hunger based on research that they have conducted during their inquiry. This portion of the presentation should demonstrate that you understand:
* What hunger is?
* The different causes of hunger
* Why, despite there being enough food, people are still going hungry?
* The different types of programs that are currently being used
* Hunger from the perspective of person who you are trying to help
After you have researched your background information your group will decide on how they will present the information using appropriate visual media to engage your audience. Your team should include innovative suggestions of how to solve this global issue but understanding the steps may start small.
Remember the saying: “If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day, if you teach a man to fish they will eat for a life time.”
“If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. If you teach a man to learn, you feed him for a lifetime and he doesn't have to only eat fish. ..."
They don't need to be taught to fish-instead, they need an opportunity to break the cycle of poverty. (by Shawn
In four weeks time the Board of Directors of YMUS will be here to experience your presentations.
Good Luck!
Sincerely Yours,
Ibu Siti Pattimura
The wiki has resources that include websites, videos and books to assist students in their research. It also includes the rubric on creativity and has information about how to research. The Pattimura TeLMS (technology & library media services) as a team have decided to introduce the first NETS-S standard on creativity. We want to thank Bindu Bammi a MS art teacher for her useful rubric that we changed slightly. The rubric was introduced to all the classes and gave them the vision of what to strive for.
The excitement and learning has been escalating over the last few weeks as students learning research skills, new technologies, how to collaborate and most important how can they be responsible world citizens!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Middle Leadership Workshop
H. Gardner: Changing and transforming the mind the of people
What leadership and management structures will you put into place at your new school.
What will the roles/positions within your structure be called?
How will it work and what are the reasons for your decisions?
- Before: Late
- During: authority of decision making, roles?, a decision rather than the issue, no agenda, off task, monopolize the conversation,
- After: Shoot the messenger, point of the meeting,
Monday, November 2, 2009
New Horizons
At first I was a bit amazed that they would ask, but than I realized just how exciting and new and fun it could all be. I may not have ever taught teens, but I have two boys who have been teenagers. In fact one still is. I have gotten to love working with teens and just think of the learning curve. I have to do my CSU Professional Experience coursework and hope to spend 10 day in the HS library with Matthew Schaffer, our new HS librarian. I guess I should also spend time with Kate Hodgson in the MS. The fact that over the last two years I have been doing my masters, gives me a "can do" attitude. Bring on the challenge!
The Lincoln Community School in Ghana is a small (600 kids) IB school in the city of Accra. Beaches close by and clean air. Accra, the capital of Ghana, is an English speaking, democratic, politically stable and economically growing country in West Africa. Along the Atlantic Coast are miles of palm-fringed beaches. The interior offers tropical forests, savannah, wildlife parks, and the culture of ancient African kingdoms. An array of African art and handicrafts can be found throughout the country. Accra (3.5 million people), is located on the Gulf of Guinea. It is a friendly and vibrant city. Its residents enjoy a tropical climate with a constant breeze, sunshine and clear air. The temperature ranges from 21-30 degrees celsius throughout the year.
Did you notice that I said "clean air" twice?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sticking Your Neck Out...I Want to be a GIRAFFE! I am at a huge crossroads in my life and I really could check out the me to we organization. I could send them my resume that I started on service and see what happens. Why stop here. Why not sent the resume to a slew of service organization world-wide and see what happens. Why not really stick my neck out!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Senge, You Never Disappoint!
Everything that I have ever read by Peter Senge has been enlightening. I enjoy his views of the world, that living and learning are inseparable, where there are no boundaries between work, school, learning and life. Senge does not look at school as walled in building but as a whole society. Just imagine a whole learning society! I decided to check out what he has to say about communication and was instantly drawn to his 592 page book called, SCHOOL THAT LEARN: A FIFTH DISCIPLINE FIELD GUIDE FOR EDUCATORS, PARENTS, AND EVERYONE WHO CARES ABOUT EDUCATION (2000). A mouth full and full of great information about learning.
Senge takes the same view as the Dufours focuses his energies on learning and not on the practice of teaching. Many of his communication ideas are similar Rob Garmston's, but Senge writes about them in a much more emotional and "less academic" way. The five disiciplines are:
Personal Mastery: Your personal vision and the results you want to create in your life.
Shared Vision: Mutual purpose and commitment to shared images.
Mental Models: Reflect and inquiry focused around our attitudes and perceptions
Team Learning: Using dialogue groups transform collective thinking, to mobilize energies.
Systems Thinking: Learn to better understand change and interdependency
Using these disciplines Senge's goal is the re-create schools for our children that are relevant to now. (Yes, I could say to the 21st Century, but felt that we are here, NOW)
Some ideas about communication from this book:
In his chapter about Mental Models, Senge is asking that we attend to our perceptions and to become more aware of our thinking. Two methods to assist us in viewing our mental models are reflection and inquiry. The ladder of inference introduces the ideas about how we create our own perceptions and assumptions.
Here is our ladder: Start at the bottom!
7. I take action based on my beliefs
6. I adopt beliefs about the world
5. I draw conclusions
4. I make assumptions
3. I add meaning: cultural and personal
2. I select: "data" from what I observe
1. Observe "data" and experiences
Clear real life examples are shared in the book to make this all more real. What a great short PD idea to share with teachers and students.
I remember a high school teacher saying to me that she would never teacher elementary school because the children are young and so impressionable and it was such a big responsibility that you may damage their development. I had really never thought of that and only thought about what positives I could bring to a child's life. All perceptions!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Leadership, Leadership Everywhere!
Learning, Leading and the CSU Forum:(
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
This week I have been looking at the situation analysis (Welch) and wondering what to do. I know that this is not my interest and I will have to plow through it. I am thinking of surveying our parent community to see how we can best serve them. Creating meaningful questions is not an easy task. It might look some thing like:
1. How often do you use the library?
2. Do you use the library for your own reading needs?
3. How often do you access the library catalog from home?
4. How often do you use atomic learning?
5. How often do you use United Streaming?
6. How often do you use Webpage?
7. How often do you read the parenting magazines in the library?
8. How often do you read a book from the parenting section?
9. How can the library
My guess is that most parents rarely do any of the above.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Blogs for KIDS
Sent in my paper for 1B on Saturday night so I could go wall climbing on Sunday. It seems like the fun is just beginning with the last assessment. It should be interesting and hopefully relative to what I do in the library. Our library is lucky to have absolutely no competitors. We are the only game in town. Our smallish library can be filled with over 60 kids in the morning before school starts. It is a cool (AV) place to meet friends, read and connect. I am interested in doing a survey with parents. I haven't finish reading the Welch article but will over the week end.
I see that online learning has so much potential. I wish that students would collaborate more and think less about assessment. Not sure how to help this happen?? Any suggestions?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hong Kong Tech Conference Ends: Notes and Reflections
A big thanks to Katy and Beth for doing a workshop for librarians!
I found Wes Fyer's comments on this keynote and it is very detailed. I have included here I see Wes is a critical thinker and you will see the questions he had for Andrew. Wes is also a great note taker!
Monday, September 14, 2009

This last Friday and Saturday, I was in a whole school workshop for PLCs (Professional Learning Communities). This is an initiative that our school has adopted this year and we had the first PD in August. It is very difficult to do whole school PD and meet the needs of all teachers. The downfall of PLC is with the specialist teachers, especially in the arts. PLCs do not address this issue enough and I guess they feel that it just not that important because if classroom teachers us it the data will show increased learning.
With this big push, I encouraged my group 23 to examine PLCs in our ppt. project. I thought it would be benefical to me and they seemed to like to idea of moving in this direction. I have been very lucky in my studies that what I am doing always seems to be relevant.
Last year at this time I went to the 21st Century Learning Conference in Shanghai will I was doing ETL501 Information Environment. I learned so much that my husband actually calls me a techie now! I am going again but this year it is in Hong Kong and once again I will be there for my birthday.