Sunday, March 13, 2011

How to obtain data for library collection

Activity: Selecting Resources 503
Consider how you as a teacher librarian could best obtain the data needed to provide a clear and specific understanding of these aspects of your school and current collection? Is it a task that you, as teacher librarian, could be expected to undertake alone?
Other ways besides Bishops ideas:
·      Ask teachers to send you their unit plan before they teach it. How can you help with resources or teaching collaboratively?
·      Stay in close contact with your director of educational Program (curriculum director)
·      Make yourself available to team teach with teachers during units, especially if they are doing research.
·      Invite teachers and students to create a Shelfari account to encourage and share what the community is reading. It also gives you a feel for what your users are reading.
·      Ask teachers if they would like to present their unit as a webquest. Create the webquest for them as they give you information. Teachrs loved the process of working together and learning as they went. 
·      Be involve in unit writing and find a place to use your expertise to fit in media/research skills and collaborate with teachers on lessons. 
·      Ask to be a part of the English/Humanities team. I always try and attend their meetings. and they welcome my attendance.
·      Make sure you are part of the leadership team at the school. Attend department head meetings.