We had a marathon meeting last evening that lasted for 2 hours and 26 minutes. I can't quite run a triathlon in that time but close.
This seemed to be a coming out of the chaos and creating more consensus meeting. I am not sure why it happened and can only think that it was either due to the fact that we just wanted to move on or that others felt validated and heard and were willing to move on. I can't really decided if it really matters whether I know the reason or not, or if I should just be glad that we are moving in a positive direction.
Guidelines for Action:
1. Know Thyself
2. Learn more-I embrace this one
3. Maintain Integrity
4. Persevere
5. Create a vision: A School Library that is best for the world will develop students who can learn, unlearn, and re-learn.
6. Think big, start small
7. Focus on something important, like Instructional Leadership.
8. Decide what you are not going to do. Like take 5 hours of someone's class because they are out. I am not a substitute.
9. Build networks
Carl Glickman tells a great story in the conclusion, learn it.
After reading Burdenuk's article called LEADERSHIP AND THE TEACHER LIBRARIAN, I want to throw a wrench into the whole process again. (see notes below) I feel we have time for more cognitive conflict, but I am not sure we have the energy. I have a feeling that we are barking up the wrong tree and what we should really be thinking about is decreasing teacher isolation rather than increasing student learning. Burdenuk states, that teacher isolation "may be the single most important factor preventing the integration of the school library into the curriculum of the school. Bringing down these walls may in the end create better student learning, morale and most important a culture of change.
So the big question is do I bring up this idea or go with the flow???
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