Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Blogs for KIDS
Sent in my paper for 1B on Saturday night so I could go wall climbing on Sunday. It seems like the fun is just beginning with the last assessment. It should be interesting and hopefully relative to what I do in the library. Our library is lucky to have absolutely no competitors. We are the only game in town. Our smallish library can be filled with over 60 kids in the morning before school starts. It is a cool (AV) place to meet friends, read and connect. I am interested in doing a survey with parents. I haven't finish reading the Welch article but will over the week end.
I see that online learning has so much potential. I wish that students would collaborate more and think less about assessment. Not sure how to help this happen?? Any suggestions?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hong Kong Tech Conference Ends: Notes and Reflections
A big thanks to Katy and Beth for doing a workshop for librarians!
I found Wes Fyer's comments on this keynote and it is very detailed. I have included here I see Wes is a critical thinker and you will see the questions he had for Andrew. Wes is also a great note taker!
Monday, September 14, 2009

This last Friday and Saturday, I was in a whole school workshop for PLCs (Professional Learning Communities). This is an initiative that our school has adopted this year and we had the first PD in August. It is very difficult to do whole school PD and meet the needs of all teachers. The downfall of PLC is with the specialist teachers, especially in the arts. PLCs do not address this issue enough and I guess they feel that it just not that important because if classroom teachers us it the data will show increased learning.
With this big push, I encouraged my group 23 to examine PLCs in our ppt. project. I thought it would be benefical to me and they seemed to like to idea of moving in this direction. I have been very lucky in my studies that what I am doing always seems to be relevant.
Last year at this time I went to the 21st Century Learning Conference in Shanghai will I was doing ETL501 Information Environment. I learned so much that my husband actually calls me a techie now! I am going again but this year it is in Hong Kong and once again I will be there for my birthday.
NO AC and Traffic

33 degrees C and my air conditioning is not working. I am in traffic and that is an understatement in Jakarta. I often wonder if there is anywhere in the world where the traffic is worse. If there is, I don’t ever want to live there. It is particularly bad at this time of day due to Ramadan and everyone wanting to get home for Buka Puasa (break fast) at 6pm.
Now that I am mostly done with my self assessment criteria for collaboration and communication, I would like to publish it on rubistar. This is a great site to find rubric in all areas of education. All the rubrics published are by teachers. I encourage all ET504 students to publish their criteria if it is a rubric.
I also encourage you to share you powerpoint on slideshare. This is another great sharing site for slide shows and even though teachers may not use your ppt. they may use parts of or use it as a model. This is the best part of sharing, we no longer have to re-invent the wheel. Maybe CSU doesn’t want to see all the examples of student work available but information sharing is the wave of the future and may help others. I would love to know what others think about this idea?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Assignment 1a Done and Gone: Where is the Champagne?

Assignment 1a done and gone: Where's the Champagn
I individually felt that I had a large impact on the team. I was able to move us out of our chaos state and refocus our direct and energy. This we definitely a creative process that evolved from my reading.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Resolving Conflict Through Listening by H. Mackay

Before I write my notes of this article I want to share part of a letter I wrote to my principal last year...
A word about cognitive conflict...Garmstom says that meetings must be safe but not necessarily comfortable. When a groups meeting is always comfortable, the group is probably not talking about the right thing. Cognitive conflict-disagreements among group members about substantive issues like goals, values, decisions, and increase commitment, cohesiveness, empathy, and understanding. Cognitive conflict occurs as teams examine, compare, and reconcile these differences.
Adaptive schools are communities and require conflict to sort out the best practices for student learning.
I think we feel safe at PEL and there is a high level of trust, but it often seems that we don’t want to move in the direction of conflict. Dan definitely gives the message that we need to be “nice”. This is collegiality not collaboration.
What is conflict? Definitions vary, but here is one I like...
Conflict is just energy in the system, nothing more, nothing less. People bring meaning to conflict. The ways they do so is influenced by personal history, cultural norms, family patterns, and practices of the group within which they work.
Garmston goes on to say that conflict is necessary in order to have community. Conflict forges new life forms. Canyons, beaches, and mountains are created from conflicting energies. Because human conflict is uncomfortable, groups often seek to avoid it. when they do so, they live in a state of community building that Scott Peck calls pseudocommunity. This is a stage of extensive politeness. Being comfortable is the goal. Members of pseudocommunities ignore or make light of problems, withholding their true feelings. At Peck’s fourth stage, groups realize true community. Here, people are open, lucid, vulnerable, and creative. They bond together across their differences for common good and conflict does exist here. We at PEL must be some where between these two stages.
Conflict isn’t always bad, in fact it can enhance loving relationships by clearing the air. You can tell that I believe in conflict and think of it as the creative process. I agree that pressures build up and it is one small thing that triggers a reaction and you kick the dog! The very first strategy that the author talks about is paraphrasing. This is a great way to clarify understanding. Understanding takes the intensity out of the conflict and we can agree to disagree. I have seen paraphrasing working wonders with parents who are unhappy. If you paraphrase they feel heard and that is 90% of the problem solved right away! Try it!
Communication: process and problems by William Savage

I was just listening to a podcast called THIS AMERICAN LIFE. This particular podcast was called GOT YOU PEGGED. The idea is that you can be talking to someone in your own language, own country, own town and you can still have no idea what they are talking about. Communication is all about perceptions and these are all different in each person (this article calls this interpretation). Just like we can be looking at the same piece of art and see totally different things.
In this article I love the idea that a principal or leader needs to have a communication flow that is both downward and upward. It is the upward flow that has to be encouraged. I feel myself very comfortable communicating upward. I don’t always believe that my principal and are communicate easily with each other, but we are both willing listeners and work towards understanding.
The process of filtering communication can be important. There are often items that I feel as a teacher are not important for me to know though they are important. Finances for example have been difficult for our school due to taxes. This doesn’t affect my teaching and I would rather have others take care of it. Unless it becomes an issue that we all have to gather around and discuss, I often welcome some filtering.
Rumors? So I have to confess here that I am the wife of an administrator. Everyone assumes that I know all that is going on when in fact my husband and I talk very little about school. I am usually the last to find out about gossip. I find that our principal deals with rumors head on. He states what the rumor is he has heard and address it candidly to stop the wildfire spread. Communication has become such an important issue in our school that we now have a communications person. That is their job. We are a big school 2500 students and we need a person who handles the mass media and creates an image of the school with visual media.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Group 23----TEAM 23

I am ready to collaborate with others internationally. It has been a great experience and my learning has been tripled by the 3 women I worked with. I have felt very honored to be working with group 23. They are people who have many traits of leadership. I am just now getting down to the second part of my assignment and wondering why I can't have them help me. We all have our strengths and I just know that one of them can write a critically evaluative annotated bibliography, while I would be great at the reflective practice.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Marathon Session Revisited

Meet with group 23 for another marathon session, Aug.31,2009. I had a bit of a brainstorm with the presentation. I was reading an article the night before by Burdenuk and realized that a real goal for TL could be to help break down the classroom walls of isolation and encourage collaboration. From the breaking down wall I went to opening doors to teacher networks. I found that this idea fit in brilliantly with our presentation. We just need to tweak some slides a bit and we could use the metaphor of opening doors as a visual. I was so excited about the idea that I wanted to tell the group right away, but by that time it was late in Australia and I knew I would have to wait till the next day. I wrote them all and email about the idea and crossed my fingers. Everyone ended up on board and felt the same way I did, that this idea brought cohesion to the presentation. We went through the slides, yet another time. It isn’t exactly my vision but with the collaboration of our group it must actually be better. It is easier for me to say yes to something I don’t exactly agree now that the big picture is clear. I need to work on the action research flow chart and get that looking just right. I now believe we would get the money funding needed for creating our article for educational leadership. We are close to finished. Deep breathe!