I am ready to collaborate with others internationally. It has been a great experience and my learning has been tripled by the 3 women I worked with. I have felt very honored to be working with group 23. They are people who have many traits of leadership. I am just now getting down to the second part of my assignment and wondering why I can't have them help me. We all have our strengths and I just know that one of them can write a critically evaluative annotated bibliography, while I would be great at the reflective practice.
Beck and Yeager's (reading 6) differentiate between a group and a team in their article called Making Teams Work: An Underused Window of Opportunity. A group is a number of people who may be heading in the same direction but they have different goals and missions, where a team shares goals and works together towards them. Our group 23 is now disbanded and will now be known as TEAM 23! We went through the different stages of Beck and Yeager's development from forming, focusing, performing, and leveling. At Jakarta International School we call this forming, norming, storming and performing to re-forming. I am sure this has been stolen from someone but I am not sure who and I added re-forming. I would have to say that TEAM 23 didn't norm formally, but we had our norms.
OUR NORMS: Communicate and being in touch was very important. Meeting times were sacred. Sharing responsibilities a must. Do what you say. Work with each others strengths. I would say there are more but those are ones that come to me quickly.
I have come to believe after all the reading I have been doing that all teachers that learn and share their knowledge to improve student learning are leaders.
Here is a great website known as the Teacher Leaders Network... http://www.teacherleaders.org/
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