Meet with group 23 for another marathon session, Aug.31,2009. I had a bit of a brainstorm with the presentation. I was reading an article the night before by Burdenuk and realized that a real goal for TL could be to help break down the classroom walls of isolation and encourage collaboration. From the breaking down wall I went to opening doors to teacher networks. I found that this idea fit in brilliantly with our presentation. We just need to tweak some slides a bit and we could use the metaphor of opening doors as a visual. I was so excited about the idea that I wanted to tell the group right away, but by that time it was late in Australia and I knew I would have to wait till the next day. I wrote them all and email about the idea and crossed my fingers. Everyone ended up on board and felt the same way I did, that this idea brought cohesion to the presentation. We went through the slides, yet another time. It isn’t exactly my vision but with the collaboration of our group it must actually be better. It is easier for me to say yes to something I don’t exactly agree now that the big picture is clear. I need to work on the action research flow chart and get that looking just right. I now believe we would get the money funding needed for creating our article for educational leadership. We are close to finished. Deep breathe!
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